When a man has children he has bestowed upon him a lengthy catalogue of fatherly duties. One of the many roles on this list is that of "Toy Repairman". I still remember taking broken toys to my Dad which he'd subsequently return to me repaired...
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With the 2016 school year drawing to a close my daughter and I were looking for something interesting and fun to give out to her classmates with their Christmas cards. As further evidence of the fact that 3D Printing is Awesome I give you......
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Introducing... The Pythonic Staff of Enlightenment: The Python Staff of Enlightenment is the perfect companion for Pythonistas as they spread The Zen of Python. Update 2017-12-3: You can now customise and buy your very own Pythonic Staff of...
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Back in October my daughter and I went along to the excellent EL Wire Wearables workshop hosted by our makerspace SparkCC. We had a great time going through the process of first designing our creation and then making it a reality. The result was...
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In my workshop I have a Raspberry Pi whose primary function is to control the temperature of my home brew using Braubuddy. Said workshop is part of a detached garage, so I planned to employ a USB WiFi adapter to connect the Pi to my home wireless...
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I previously blogged about the tosr0x, an inexpensive USB relay controller board which I'm using as part of a computerised thermostat. Having creating tosr0x.py to control the tosr0x' relays using Python, I required a device which employs these...
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